The fall has been filled with important developments in the technology world, and I continue to be a regular source for journalists as well as publishing frequent editorials and analyses of my own. I’ve just posted another ten items to the Media Page of my website, including several articles I’ve written for CNET, an election-day op-ed in Roll Call, legal analysis for The Wall Street Journal and a long review of “The Laws of Disruption” in the International Journal of Communications. The accidents continue to pile up at the dangerous intersection of innovation and the law, the main theme of The Laws of Disruption.
Some highlights:
The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in EMA v. Schwarzenegger, which challenges California’s ban on violent video games on First Amendment ground. My article for CNET explained why the timing of the case is significant, with implications for all new media enterprises.
The European Commission is preparing new legislation to guarantee its citizens a “right to be forgotten. On CNET, I explain why that well-intentioned initiative could have disastrous consequences for the digital economy.
My election-day op-ed for Roll Call, the leading newspaper of Capitol Hill, urged Congress to stop the FCC’s dangerous plans to “reclassify” broadband Internet access and treat it like 1930’s-style telephone business.
My detailed analysis of Rep. Henry Waxman’s proposed net neutrality bill, a last-minute effort to resolve the long-running conflict before the election, was featured on The Wall Street Journal’s “All Things Digital.”
In the important Vernor decision, the Court of Appeals in California ruled that licensing agreements that deny users a right to resell copies of software are enforceable. Though many viewed this decision as harmful to consumers, I explain why developments in the software industry have already relegated license agreements to the margins, in a controversial article for CNET
NextGenWeb, sponsored by the U.S. Telecom Association, interviewed me one of many recent visits to Washington.
As the new Congress prepares to convene in January, watch for more important developments.