My article on Best Buy's strategy strikes a chord…or a nerve

My Jan. 2, 2012 post on Forbes, “Why Best Buy is Going out of Business…Gradually,” apparently struck a chord with customers of the consumer electronics retailer–or maybe just a nerve.

The post has so far received over 250,000 views and nearly 200 comments, mostly from disgruntled Best Buy customers.  I’ve also received many emails from former Best Buy employees confirming my intuition about the company’s strategic decision-making and attitudes toward customers.

It seems people are still passionate about strategy and the impact of disruptive technology.  And there are still lots of debates about the impact of e-commerce, good and bad, almost 15 years since I first published “Unleashing the Killer App.”

Best Buy, as I write in the article, violates at least one of the most important design principles from Killer App.  “Ensure Continuity for Customers, not Yourself.”

I’ve checked–the book is not available on Best  But it is still for sale over at Amazon!

Update, 1/5/2011:  The article has created an unintended sensation.  It has now received over 1.5 million page views which, according to Forbes’s Managing Editor Bruce Upbin, is more people than have visited a Best Buy store since the article was published.  Stay tuned for an update on the groundswell of response to the article.