We’ve recently added another dozen posts to the Media page. These include several articles and interviews related to Larry’s efforts to help stop dangerous copyright legislation pending in Congress, known as SOPA and Protect IP. Larry also provides detailed analysis of a more sensible alternative proposal from Sen. Ron Wyden and Rep. Darrell Issa, the OPEN Act.
Larry appeared last month on the PBS Newshour to debate domain name seizures and the pending bills with a representative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Video and a transcript are on the Media page.
Larry has also been busy with FCC stories, including the clumsy release of the staff report on the failed AT&T/T-Mobile merger and the subsequent revelations about manipulation of the agency’s important “spectrum screen,” a key metric in merger reviews that was grossly mishandled. (Congress is looking into how the agency fumbled so badly.) With the collapse of the deal, watch for louder cries about the spectrum crisis and the lack of any solution to it.
A New Year’s Day post at Forbes on the dimming prospect of consumer electronics retailer Best Buy generated tremendous response, including over 2.3 million page views on the site and thousands of comments there and elsewhere, most by customers with horror stories to tell. Follow-up and fall-out to come.