I’m pleased to join in announcing the launch of TechFreedom, a non-profit, non-partisan technology policy think tank. TechFreedom’s mission is “to promote the progress of technology that improves the human condition and expands individual capacity to choose.”
I have agreed to participate in TechFreedom’s activities as a Senior Adjunct Fellow. As my first contribution, we will be republishing my multi-part blog on the FCC’s Open Internet Report and Order as a white paper, and hope to host a conference on the topic in late February.
TechFreedom officially launched last week, just after the State of the Net 2011 Conference. Video of the opening conference, which featured FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell, is available by following the link.
The launch of TechFreedom also coincides with the publication of “The Next Digital Decade: Essays on the Future of the Internet“, edited by Berin Szoka and Adam Marcus. The book includes essays from a wide range of authors, including David Johnson, Hal Varian, Tim Wu, Jonathan Zittrain and the Hon. Alex Kozinski.
I have two essays in the book, one on information economics and the other on the so-called privacy “debate.”
The book is available as a free PDF download, or for purchase in hardcover.