2011 has already been filled with important developments in the technology world, and I continue to be a regular source for journalists as well as publishing frequent editorials and analyses of my own.
I’ve just posted several new items to the Media Page of my website, including articles I’ve written for CNET News.com and for Forbes, as well as video from this week’s appearance on PBS’s “Ideas in Action.”
Some highlights:
. Coverage of policy events at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show for both CNET News.com and the Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital focused on coming battles in the new Congress over the FCC’s net neutrality rules, and previewed the rest of the likely tech agenda.
. Video from Larry’s appearance at the Congressional Internet Caucus’s “State of the Net 2011.”
. A controversial essay for Slate Magazine, “Doing Nothing to Save the Internet“.
. Extensive coverage of Larry’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on the FCC’s Open Internet order.
.Stories for both CNET News.com and Forbes analyzing the FCC’s failure to complete a crucial inventory of spectrum licenses ahead of requirements to find 300-500 Mhz. of new spectrum for mobile broadband in the next five to ten years.