Category Archives: News

Larry to speak on spectrum policy in DC

Larry will be participating in a panel discussion on spectrum policy at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation on Sept. 13 from 9:30 to 11 AM at ITIF headquarters, 1101 K Street, Washington D.C. Registration is free at:

The panel, including ITIF’s Richard Bennett along with Blair Levin, Rick Kaplan and David Redl, will review a broad set of policy changes essential to ensuring adequate radio spectrum is available for mobile broadband users. This includes improvements to spectrum auctions, white spaces, and secondary markets.

Larry to speak to Capitol Hill on Protect IP Act

On July 25, Larry will participate in a briefing addressing mounting concerns about the Protect IP Act, the latest proposal for curbing “rogue” websites that deal in pirated goods.

The program is being hosted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and takes place at the Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2103, at 10:00 AM.

Registration is required, but free.  See:

Larry to speak at Arts & Labs "Create" June 15, 2011

Larry will be speaking at Create, an event by Arts & Labs, focused on “protecting creativity from the ground up.” The event will take place June 15, 2011 at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.

Larry will speak about pending legislation granting federal law enforcement agencies additional powers to prosecute online copyright infringement and trademark counterfeiting.  Also appearing on the panel are Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Ca) and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tn).

Larry to speak at PII 2011 in Santa Clara, CA

Larry will be participating next week at the annual Privacy, Identity and Innovation conference in Santa Clara, CA.  Larry’s panel kicks off the event on Thursday, and includes panelists from Microsoft, and (formerly) Facebook.  We’ll be discussing “Privacy, Personal Data and Publicness: Where Are We Heading?”, moderated by The Wall Street Journal’s Julia Angwin.

The rest of the agenda suggests another insightful and valuable conference.