Category Archives: News

Larry to appear on NPR "Science Friday"

Larry will be a guest on Friday, May 6th on the NPR program “Science Friday.”  The show airs live from 11 AM to 12 PM Pacific time.  Larry will be talking about privacy and technology in the wake of the Apple iPhone flap, Tom Tom’s admission that it gave Dutch police access to traffic data, and other recent privacy problems.  The show’s website is at




Larry to speak on "rogue" websites in DC April 7th

Larry will participate in a Congressional staff briefing on COICA and domain name seizures next week at the National Press Club.  The event, “What Should Lawmakers do About Rogue Websites?”, is sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and TechFreedom.

The topic is especially timely.  The Department of Homeland Security continues its legally-dubious seizure of domain names as part of “Operation in Our Sites” and other efforts, and Congress seems poised to re-consider the COICA bill, which would give the Department of Justice new powers to seize foreign domain names and force third parties, including ISPs, domain name service look-up providers, and credit card companies to block sites deemed to be “rogue.”

While copyright and trademark abuses are significant problems on-line, suspending the U.S. Constitution to fight them is no solution.

Details are available here.  Attendance is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required.

Larry on CSPAN's "The Communicators"

Larry appeared this week on “The Communicators,” C-SPAN’s weekly program exploring the digital future.

Larry spoke with veteran D.C. reporter Peter Slen on a wide range of topics at the 2011 State of the Net Conference, where the interview was taped. Subjects included net neutrality, the Law of Disruption, and the poor fit of emerging technologies and specific regulation.

Larry to speak at two Washington, D.C. events next week

Larry will be in Washington (again) next week for two events:

1.  March 1 – TechFreedom is sponsoring an event to review my white paper on the FCC’s December, 2010 Report and Order on the Open Internet.  The event is free, but RSVP is required.  Commentators include Internet pioneer Dave Farber, Free State Foundation’s Randolph May, Open Internet Coalition’s Markham Erickson, Verizon’s Link Hoewing, and Public Knowledge’s Harold Feld.  Opening remarks will be delivered by Congressman Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who has introduced legislation to reverse the order and limit the FCC’s jurisdiction over Internet matters.   The white paper is available here.

2.  March 2 -Larry joins Richard Bennett and Randolph May at the Institute for Policy Innovation’s Third Annual Communications Summit.    Other speakers include former Congressman Rick Boucher, FCC Commissioner Meredith Baker, and Andrew Keen.

Larry joins network

I’m pleased to announce that I will be a regular contributor to Forbes Magazine’s high-profile website,, starting immediately.  Forbes is one of the most-visited websites for news and commentary on business, investing, technology and leadership.

I’ll be writing about the increasingly accident-prone intersection of business, technology, and politics, especially as it applies to the mobile Internet experience.

You can follow my posts at

Please let me know if you have specific topics you’d like me to write about.