Larry will participate in a Congressional staff briefing on COICA and domain name seizures next week at the National Press Club. The event, “What Should Lawmakers do About Rogue Websites?”, is sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and TechFreedom.
The topic is especially timely. The Department of Homeland Security continues its legally-dubious seizure of domain names as part of “Operation in Our Sites” and other efforts, and Congress seems poised to re-consider the COICA bill, which would give the Department of Justice new powers to seize foreign domain names and force third parties, including ISPs, domain name service look-up providers, and credit card companies to block sites deemed to be “rogue.”
While copyright and trademark abuses are significant problems on-line, suspending the U.S. Constitution to fight them is no solution.
Details are available here. Attendance is free and open to the public, but RSVP is required.